1 - Cool Breeze - V3/5
Head past the 'slackline boulder' take a right towards 'Jaws' and instead of heading right head left, follow tape/cairns and you will end up at two very chilly caves. The one in front of you on right is 'Cool Breeze'.
Start low down in the cave on the left. Bad feet lead you onto the face where the more left you stay the harder it becomes. Very cool crimps and grippy rock is the highlight of this one. Many variations are possible, the more right you stay the easier it is. Named after the freezer type breeze that comes from the icy cave.
2 - Achilles - V6
Head towards the Secret Boulders from the 'Down Under' problem, and after about 25m you will see this pedestal type boulder on your left. Marked with cairns and tape.
Start with a sloper for the left and a small hold in the overhang for the right. Heel hook (essential) and try your best by campus-ing, etc.. to gain the left trending rail. Once established, get you feet out and gun for crappy holds to the finish. Great movement and pumpy moves (good landing, high finish).
3/4 - Cold FX Cave - V2/V5
Head past the 'slackline boulder' take a right towards 'Jaws' and instead of heading right head left, follow tape/cairns and you will end up at two very chilly caves. The one in front of you on the left is 'Cold FX'.
Find to positive holds deep down in the cave, bump up to bigger ones, throw out left and then up to the lip and over to finish. The right variation (harder) uses and desperate rail and a small sidepull to gain the lip.
5 - Talons - V3
Start on a big jug down low in the cave, throw out right to a sloper/sidepull, gun for the lip, then heel hook and move out left until its possible to top out. Classic granite problem! (Good landing)
7/8 - Stands With A Fist - V2//1
Start on two low pinchy type holds. Move up the arete with wild feet and small holds to a fun top out. Firing out right after the start eases the grade with bigger holds to choose from. Great short granite problem
9 - Scarecrow - V4+
Even more Shhhhh....
Start low on the slopey rail. Gun for the lip and start out right. awkward feet and desperate (sweet) holds will see you through to the highest point of the boulder. Would be a classic in Squamish. Fun granite!
10 - Men In White Gloves - V2
Even more Shhhh....
Start low on the slopey rail but go straight up to the lip. Climb up over onto the slab with heel hooks and no holds (friction).
Let me know if anyone has any more questions about these problems or their whereabouts!!!
PREDATOR BLUFFS, looks great... where exactly is this? I'm in the area next weekend and would like to check it out...