Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Jonah on COBRA KAI V4

The new and improved Ponderosa Boulders; probably two of the biggest and baddest two boulders I've come across in the area!! For the past few years this area consisted of one really sweet tall boulder with 8 climbs of beautiful face climbing; but a bigger, badder and meaner piece of rock the size of a house (literally) loomed above. Requiring tons of labour to free the walls from it's dense foliage, the boulder sat untouched for 2 years; until the spring of 2017. After about a month of work with help from several keen friends willing to sacrifice actual climbing time for cleaning bush and lichen, a masterpiece was uncovered!!!

20 move problems, tall featured faces, good landings, aesthetic climbing, beautiful rock and almost 30 lines, this area is destined to become one of the best!! You hit the Ponderosa Boulder first to warm up on impeccable rock, then you get to bust uphill 1 more minute to the Fukushima Boulder to test your mettle on some of the finest bouldering around. Hope you enjoy all the amazing climbing we uncovered! Included here is the guide/topo for your (free) printing pleasure. ENJOY


Allen Rollin on GIANT PANDA (low) V7

Fantasyland Boulders - Arrow Lake, Castlegar, B.C

Jeremy Childs climbing 'RUBIX' V3
Some fine folks from Castlegar have been busy here in Spring 2017. A huge concentration of boulders right off a dirt road 10 minutes from Castlegar, the Fantasyland Boulders are another great addition to the seemingly endless potential for BOULDERING in the West Kootenays. The part that makes this spot a little different than some of the areas around in the sheer density of rock on this big bench under these enormous cliffs! More quality Gneiss, good landings and a long season, with some awesome climbs to boot!

Included here is the new topo for the area. There is still a lot of potential in this zone!
Have fun 😀

TOPO: FantasyLand Bouldering Guide Spring 2017

Allen Rollin climbing Nagini V7